Charged with possession of marijuana?
Marijuana Possession Charges: If you been charged with possession or use of marijuana in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and have a court date in Tuscaloosa Municipal Court, your case is likely a misdemeanor charge. .

Do you have a marijuana charge?
In Alabama, a “first offense” possession of marijuana is a misdemeanor. A “second offense” during your lifetime results in a felony charge. There are several potential avenues that an attorney can pursue for you such as applying for Youthful Offender (if the charge occurred before age 21), asking the Court to allow you to take a diversion program, moving to suppress the evidence and going to trial, or simply pleading guilty to the charge and trying to obtain the “low end” of potential punishments. If you have been charged with marijuana possession I encourage you to contact my office for assistance with your case.

What can be Done?
If you have been charged with marijuana possession I encourage you to contact my office for
assistance with your case. You need a Tuscaloosa Drug Possession Lawyer to help you with your Drug Possession Charge. Call for a Tuscaloosa Drug Possession Lawyer to assist you with your case.
Are you a university of alabama student?
Tuscaloosa Drug Possession Lawyer Randal Ford represents individuals charged with
marijuana possession and sale cases in Tuscaloosa Municipal Court, Northport Municipal Court, District Court, and Circuit Court. Randal Ford focuses a large part of his practice on assisting college students and young persons seeking to resolve their legal issues so they can get their life back on track. University of Alabama Students usually have additional programs that have to be completed through the University of Alabama’s Office of Judicial Affairs as part of the school’s requirements to remain in school.
What are my options?
Some potential options that may be available are court diversion, youthful offender status, or the CLEAN program which is the Tuscaloosa County District Attorney’s “drug court” program. Contact an attorney immediately upon your arrest or the seizure of your contraband. Please feel free to contact us regarding your Tuscaloosa Drug Possession Charge to assist you with your case.

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24 hours a day / 7 days a week, weekends and holidays, the Ford Firm is available to talk about your case.
- 705 27th Ave
- Ste A
- Tuscaloosa, AL
- Phone: (205) 454-7500