Suffered from Traumatic brain injury Accident?
The ford firm represents individuals and their family members diagnosed with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Randal Ford will consult with you and provide:
1. An overview of what TBI is
2. resources through the State of Alabama that can help you and your family
3. recommendations to governmental agencies and
programs that can provide you with some assistance (medical, vocational, therapeutic, and rehabilitative)

Know Your Options.
As you have been searching for medical professionals to assist you with Traumatic Brain Injury problems, I want to mention that YOUR INSURANCE may enable you to seek medical help from OTHER STATES and thus other hospitals. This is not to be disrespectful to our local physicians, but there may be other professionals in other states that are on the “leading edge” of treatment. The larger the geographical population – the more cases that doctors treat on a daily basis. You can always call and see if a hospital or physician will accept your insurance.

Medical Options
As an example, I have a friend who had a brain tumor and he traveled to Chicago, Illinois to have surgery because his Blue Cross policy was accepted there. Even though he was from a southern state, his insurance would pay for him to be treated in Illinois. He had decided that he wanted a physician who performed brain surgeries every day to “work on him” rather than someone who performed operations only a couple of times a month.
Traumatic Brain Injury Resources
The Ford Firm presents the following organizational and informational links to help individuals and family members diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The links below are chosen to give you:
- An overview of what TBI is.
- Resources through the State of Alabama that can help the person with TBI (and thus the family).
- Links to other governmental agencies and programs that can provide you with some assistance (medical, vocational, therapeutic, and rehabilitative).
- Home mortgage payment assistance.
- How to start a “GO FUND ME” page to help solicit donations for medical expenses, equipment, and co-pays
- The last link provides stories of hope from people who have Traumatic Brain Injuries and have already experienced the journey that is ahead of you or your loved one.
- Traumatic Brain Injury Overview and Explanation
- State of Alabama – Traumatic Brain Injury Program
- Advocacy / Rehabilitation / Vocational / And Other Links
- Social Security Disability and Supplemental Income Information
- American’s With Disabilities Information Line
- Alabama Resource Links
- Brain Injury Resources / Links to Helpful Resources
Mortgage Payment Assistance
General Eligibility Information
- Household Income: For all options except Lien Extinguishment, the household income limit is $84,280 (including all occupants 18 years & older). The household limit to qualify for Lien Extinguishment is $60,200.
General Eligibility Information
- Mortgage Balance: $258, 690 or less
- Occupancy: Must be a primary residence
- Property: Single-family, attached or detached, and manufactured housing that is attached to real property
- Location: Property must be located in the state of Alabama
- Eligible Hardships: Unemployed, underemployed, divorce, death of a spouse, medical hardship, and/or disability
How to Start a "Go Fund Me" Page
Click this link to visit the Go Fund Me Page:
A GoFundMe page is a good way to solicit funds from friends and strangers to help you cover medical bills and expenses.
- Go to the website address above
- You are setting up a GoFundMe site for an INDIVIDUAL
- Click on the green banner box that sets “START A GOFUNDME”
- Enter your name, email address, and password
- Create the STORY of what is happening in your life and what you are raising money for.
Here is the GoFundMe tutorial video:

6. Be sure to use pictures and videos to show the struggles you are going through what you want to do with the funds. The Ford Firm suggests that you consider using the approaches used with juries at trial. Nearly all juries are sympathetic to someone who is injured, but it’s hard getting them to award enough money (or give in this case) for someone if you can’t show them how the funds will be used. So, try showing “HOW” the funds would help the person’s life. For example, show pictures of your life before the injury and the activities you were engaged in. Show the effects of your injury in a “day-in-the-life-of” video. Tell how you would use the funds to help pay off your medical bills, buy equipment (wheelchairs, walkers, home wheelchair ramp, handicap accessible bathroom, etc.) to help you get around and what NEW activities you would engage in to have a more fulfilling life! The extent of YOUR injury will determine what medical equipment you will need. When you show people how you are planning to overcome your challenge they are more likely to “join the team” to support you!
7. Once your campaign is set up, email everyone you know, post on Instagram, and post your GoFundMe page on Facebook and anywhere else you can! You will need to ask your friends and family to share your page to get the best results. Adverstising on the internet is not a guarantee of success, but your effort can make a difference because there are a lot of good people out there who will donate to your case.
8. REMEMBER TO PAY TAXES ON THE FUNDS YOU RECEIVE! The money you receive would be considered “income”, please check the a tax accountant or tax lawyer if you have any questions.
don’t wait any longer
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(205) 454-7500
Our location
24 hours a day / 7 days a week, weekends and holidays, the Ford Firm is available to talk about your case.
- 705 27th Ave
- Ste A
- Tuscaloosa, AL
- Phone: (205) 454-7500